Liquor Sales Service

Liquor Sales Service

We will protect Japan's traditional culture,
"SAKE" will become Japan's treasure.


Here at Blueline, we have a liquor sales division, as part of our effort to appeal Japan to the rest of the world.

This is our first step of evolution, from a service providing company to a multilateral company, including manufacturing.

  • Service
  • Service
  • Service
  • Service
  • This is our first step of evolution, from a service providing company to a multilateral company,
    including manufacturing.

    Firstly, we will make the Asian region our kick-off market, and spread our SAKE sales business worldwide.
    We would like to use the global network we built through our logistics business and show the world the tradition and taste inherited since ancient times.
    2We obtained our liquor sales license in November 2021. Utilizing our global network, we sell directly to department, stores, restaurants and hotels in various region of the world.
    We would like to exhibit SAKE at exhibition and enter various contests, in order to deliver the joy of this traditional Japanese liquor to as many people as we can. As an extension to our liquor sales business, we would like to brew and sell our own SAKE.

    This is our first step of evolution
Inquiries regarding our liquor sales business

Inquiries regarding
our liquor sales business

Please feel free to contact us
with any questions or comments.

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